Can model policy content be copied to Word?

Yes, model content can be copied from the Model Policies manual into Word.

  1. Make sure Word is already open to a blank document.
  2. In CU PolicyPro, find the model policy you need in the Model Policies manual, and highlight all of the content of the policy.
  3. Right click and choose “Copy”.
  4. Go into your blank Word document, right click and choose “Paste”.

Note:  There are some credit unions who prefer to manage all policies in Word and do not use the policy management tools in CU PolicyPro.  These instructions are intended for that user group. 

If you are using the CU PolicyPro policy management tools, we do not recommend copying the content to Word.  We recommend managing all policies directly within the system.  Moving content out of the system and into Word can result in multiple versions of policies and may cause formatting challenges if content is brought back and forth between Word and CU PolicyPro.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance you can contact us at

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