I want to download our CU Policies manual into WORD. How do I do this?

There is no export function to Word, but here is one way you can do this:

Publish the entire manual, then open the published manual and copy/paste it into Word. It will hold the formatting but you may need to make a few adjustments:

  • Sometimes it will block justify the text and you may have to adjust that to left justify if you don’t like that particular style.
  • You will need to insert page breaks between the policies. Some credit unions choose not to do this to save paper, but if you want the policies separated, it has to be done manually.
  • The table of contents will come in as links, but they are not bookmarks within the document – they will try to open the published manual online because the links are linked to the online manual. You can remove the hyperlinks, or you can copy each table of contents and paste it back in as plain text.

If you need assistance with moving your manual to Word, or have additional CU PolicyPro questions, please contact the CU PolicyPro Support Staff at  policysupport@cusolutionsgroup.com.

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