Welcome to League InfoSight!

League InfoSight is owned and driven by a strong, central group of Credit Union System Organizations dedicated to delivering Indispensable solutions to member credit unions through the League-CUNA system. It was formed in 2003 and is owned by eleven credit union leagues, who along with CUNA provide strategic board leadership for the organization.

Our flagship products include:

CU PolicyPro – Is the premier model policy library and management system for credit unions. It contains comprehensive policies and regulatory guidance – developed and written especially for credit unions by regulatory (legal and financial) experts. CU PolicyPro is designed for credit unions to customize and implement policies that are particular to the individual credit union. The format is clear and easy to use so you can find the information you need when you need it.


RateMap - the newest member of the League InfoSight Family of League-based products

In today’s ever-changing rate environment, competition is fierce. Give your credit unions a competitive advantage on the banks in their community, county, or neighborhood by giving your members access to RateMap. It is a new, unique web-based pricing tool offered in collaboration between League InfoSight and RateWatch that you can deliver as a benefit of membership—branded under your league... Click Here for more information


InfoSight Online Compliance System – An online compliance resource designed to provide affiliated credit unions with up-to-date and comprehensive federal and state compliance information. It is delivered only through participating leagues.

Since its development, InfoSight has established partnerships with CUNA's compliance staff and expanded and now also provides compliance service to 46 states...... Click Here for more information


find a credit union – powers many credit union locators on Credit Union System websites, including CUNA's aSmarterChoice.org website and mobile apps.

With find a credit union behind your credit union locator site, consumers can find nearby credit unions by entering their zip code and have the option of further narrowing the search by membership affiliations, as well as generate Google Maps of search results. The new web site gives consumers quicker access to finding a credit union, and provides important information about the credit union difference.

Additionally, find a credit union is continuously updated to provide the most accurate information. and has streamlined administrative screens to make it easier for leagues and credit unions to maintain data and provide enhanced reporting and statistics to monitor their site’s usage.



League InfoSight | PO Box 8054, Plymouth, Michigan 48170 | Phone 800-262-6285 | Fax 734-793-5155 | email: info@leagueinfosight.com