How can I print just the table of contents for my CU Policies Manual?

The system doesn’t have a way to just print a table of contents on its own. The easiest way to get a Table of Contents (TOC) is to publish the ENTIRE manual (remember the published manual produces both the TOC and the policies themselves), view the published manual and go to FILE > PRINT PREVIEW and determine what pages include the TOC.  For most clients, the TOC will start on page 3 and go to page 4, 5 or 6, depending on the number of policies included in the manual.  Once you know the page range that includes the TOC, you can print just this page range – to a printer for a hard copy or print to PDF and select the page range with just the TOC on it. 

If you don’t have the ability to print to PDF, you can send a request to the support staff at and let us know that you would like a PDF version of the Table of Contents and which published manual contains the TOC that you would like printed.

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